IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd - IOML is an active bunker supplier since the year 2004 in the Port of Port Louis Mauritius.
IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd - IOML is an active bunker supplier since the year 2004 in the Port of Port Louis Mauritius.
The only Mauritian Harbour - Located on the North-West coast, the port of Port Louis is the only commercial harbour of Mauritius...
The Mauritius Port Authority (MPA) as the landlord port authority owns most of the port facilities including the superstructure, the terminals...
IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd | Mer Rouge, Port Louis, Mauritius
T: (230) 217 2710 | Mobile 1: (230) 5 966 6666
F: (230) 217 5500 | W: www.ioml.mu
IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd.
T: (230) 217 2710 | M: (230)5863 6010
E: mktg5@ioml.mu | W: www.ioml.mu